Do you know an ASCE Austin Branch member who has brought significant value and had a major impact on you or on others in our industry? If you do, please nominate them for the 2022 Garabed A. Harutunian Civil Engineer of the Year Award award!
This award has been an Austin ASCE Branch tradition since fall of 1999 when the Austin ASCE Branch Board of Directors established the Branch Civil Engineer of the Year Award. In 2021, the Award was renamed the Garabed A. Harutunian Civil Engineer of the Year Award to honor a longtime branch member.
This award is to be presented to a Branch Member who has distinguished themselves in the fields of service to the Civil Engineering profession, awards received, education, service to the Branch, service to the community, service to the student ASCE Chapter, etc. The award is presented during TSPE's Engineers Week Banquet in February 2022. Nomination forms will be available at the December branch meeting and also on our website at
This nomination form and attachments must be submitted to the Austin Branch, Texas Section, American Society of Civil Engineers by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 7, 2022. Mailed applications must be physically received by this deadline. Materials received after this date will not be considered for this award but will be retained for consideration next year.
Nomination may be mailed to:
Samuel C. Shorter, P.E.
Austin ASCE President
7320 N Mopac Expy, Suite 203
Austin, TX 78731
Or e-mailed pdf file to: